Investing in Our



The last two years revealed that we need to strengthen our communities by ensuring that we are self-reliant.  Working in government, I was on the receiving end of phone calls from residents and businesses struggling with everything from shutdowns and unfair waiver processes to unprecedented storm damages.

  • Ensure resilience in the face of climate unpredictability. The devastation in Chadds Ford following Hurricane Ida illustrates that we have to approach things differently to protect our homes, our businesses, and our infrastructure. 

  • Develop opportunities here in PA to create our own resources such as generating and expanding renewable resources by capitalizing on options for energy choice to achieve true energy independence. Currently, PA is the only state that does not tax the frackers. By having the frackers pay their fair share, we can pursue all energy opportunities in PA while creating good paying jobs.

  • Protect our natural resources by balancing growth with conservation to ensure resiliency in the face of climate unpredictability 

  • Support research and development of sustainable agriculture

  • Our small businesses were hurt the most during the last two years. They are the economic backbone of our community. We need to ensure they can be resilient moving forward and have the support to bounce back stronger than before. 

  • Good jobs, strong unions and empowered workers are how we provide for and protect our community. When our families do well, our communities do well.